Final Partners Meeting

The Final Partners Meeting of the project took place in Athens, on 20.03.2024 It has been an amazing journey of learning, growth, and collaboration. During our meeting, we delved into various aspects of the project: Project Overview: We reviewed our journey, evaluating our performance against key metrics and goals. Evaluation of Project Results: We assessedContinue reading “Final Partners Meeting”

Final Conference

The Final Conference of the project concluded successfully in 19.03.2024 at the Impact Hub Athens! Here’s a quick overview of the event: Inspiring addresses by representatives from the General Secretariat of Sports, the  General Secretariat of Public Health, and the city of Athens set the tone for an impactful event!  Engaging talks from the Academic Director ofContinue reading “Final Conference”

Gudelines for sustainable diet

The gudelines for sustainable diets were developed ! This guide justifies  and explains the importance of implementing more sustainable choices in athletes’ diets, providing critical information and practical recommendations on how can athletes implement a more sustainable diet without compromising their athletic performance. It also considers the repercussions on the health of those professionals whoseContinue reading “Gudelines for sustainable diet”

National Reports

Six national reports (Greece, Malta, Portugal, Germany, Spain and Turkey) were produced. Those reports aim to present the results of a number of interviews taken to elucidate the situation sourrounding athletes’ dietary choces in each national context. The interviews involved a number of different target groups, namely athletes, coaches, and sport nutritionists/dieticians, who were inquired onContinue reading “National Reports”

TPM in Portugal

The second Transnational Partner meeting was held in Oerias  in Portugal on 30 and 31 March 2023. Purpose of the meeting: reporting on project management and setting further procedures, reviewing and assessing the results of the already implemented activities under Result 1 and 2, planning for the remaining activities under Result 2 (and addressing any issues orContinue reading “TPM in Portugal”